Wednesday, May 21, 2008

WE ALL LOVE DAD & Brother and Sister

Landon is becoming Brad's little shadow. When he knows Brad is home and he's not in eyesight, Landon asks "where dad go"? Both Kailyn and Landon stand at Landon's window and watch for dad's truck when he comes home from work. Landon will turn to Kailyn and say "here he comes" (In a baby voice of course, naturally so Kailyn understands). Then when Landon spots the truck, he bails out the room SCREAMING "dad's home" and rushes to the garage door and waits til Brad pulls in. Kailyn on the other hand isn't so fast, but she certainly knows what is happening. She immediately starts crying and bobbing up and down until i pick her up and rush her out to the garage as well where she greets Brad with all smiles and giggles. THEY LOVE THEIR DAD. And i love him too. ;)

This is Brad attempting to take a 10 min. breather outside and practice his putting, but it soon becomes Landon's golf lesson.

And now he gives it a try, by himself!

And Brad ends up playing with Kailyn.... Landon and the golf club are no where to be seen.....

Landon and Kailyn just love each other. Here are some fun pictures of the cute brother and sister.

And yes, I've taken to "BLOGGING" very well. :)


Anonymous said...

You got to love those dads!! And yes isn't blogging grand?

Sabrina said...

Oh, I remember doing the same thing at landons window when I used to live there! Your Family is the best, including you Kenny!

beck said...

i finally had time to update . . . so there. :) such cute pics of the two kids! and brad.

Marie {Make and Takes} said...

Yeah to the blogging world! I love that I get to see your kids now! I have been missing them and wanting to come to SG but with me only having 3 weeks to go with my pregoness, I'm not really traveling at this point. So I'm happy to see your cute family on a blog. L and K are adorable! Love you guys.

cami said...

cute pic's you got such great stuff kendall!! you little photographer you!
i'm posting more so thats good. make sure brad checks out my blog. i did one just for him, just like he asked.

Kylee Brown said...

I can't believe how cute your family is! You're kids are getting so big!

Carly said...

Ok the last pic is TO DIE FOR!!! :) I love your back yard... looks like a golf course or something! Is that how Brad planned it?! :) Wish I could see you in person! Love you and miss you like crazy! :)

Alex and Heather said...

Seeing Brad holding his baby on his hand just totally reminds me of Grandpa Glauser. I love it! Thanks for the memories!