Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Landon's artwork

So, the other day i found some canvases on sale at Michaels. They were really cheap so i bought them. I then found WAY cheap finger paints! I asked Landon if he wanted to paint a picture. He immediately screamed out to me BALLOONS (we see hot air ballons from our house and he gets really excited about them and he focuses on pronouncing the LL which makes it so cute). So i took him outside and got all set up to paint a picture of balloons. After all of 5 minutes of painting he was done. But so proud of his picture. I have it in his room and everytime he sees it he says "Look mom, baLLoons".


fREnCh TrOSt said...

That's a great idea, Brooklyn would love finger painting. I am so glad you have a blog now so I can copy your ideas!

Unknown said...

That is a good idea!! And a very creative picture.

Sabrina said...

Maybe landon can do our engagment pic's instead of you? I haven't seen your work, so am kinda unsure.

Tara said...

what a cute and fun idea!! love it...might have to copy it!!
:) Kailyn looks just like you!

beck said...

your totally a cute little mom - being all crafty and such . . . :) love the idea!

And Brad was telling me how you just had to go blog last night! I totally laughed! now your addicted! :)